Building a Wales where all children and young people have all their rights fulfilled.
Children in Wales – Plant yng Nghymru is the national representative membership organisation for individuals and organisations from all sectors who work with children, young people and families in Wales. Our membership is drawn from the public-, charitable/not-for-profit- and independent-sectors. Our work will be underpinned by a collaborative approach, which facilitates opportunities for our members, children and young people.
We will work towards our vision in collaboration with our members by:
Campaigning for the full adoption and implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child at every level of Welsh society.
Challenging inequalities and promoting equity for all children and young people across Wales.
Bringing together and amplifying a collective voice for transformational change at a policy level within Wales.
Promoting and supporting the participation of children and young people within decision-making structures at all levels of government within Wales
Providing a platform for the sharing of innovative practice across Wales.
Advocating for the children’s sector(s) on priority areas.
Providing learning and development opportunities for the cross-sector children’s professional workforce.
Undertaking and disseminating research across our membership.