Firstly, welcome to the Children in Wales website, and thank you for visiting our link for more information on getting involved with our content creation. I wanted to make this message more personal and less formal, as a way to hopefully get you on board with our young editor's group.
Our vision in Children in Wales is to ensure that children and young people all over Wales get their rights fulfilled. Which isn't an easy task right? It's an ambitious goal and how we communicate and get messages to children and young people is a very important part of achieving our vision.
Here at Children in Wales, we have lots of great experience and knowledge within our communications team, particularly around social media and content creation. However, as we are getting older we now realise that we aren't best placed to decide what young people want to see or hear. This is why we need you on board.
We want to bring together young, creative, and enthusiastic minds from all over Wales to help us fulfill this vision. You can contribute as much or as little as you want to the group. You may want to contribute as just an ideas person, or you may not have any ideas but you want to help host podcasts or interviews for videos. You may have certain topics you will really want to get involved with content for but feel others aren't of interest. We appreciate your help in whatever form it comes in.
If you don't have the confidence to speak up straight away but still want to be involved in the process or just want to lurk for a bit to see what's happening, we encourage you to join us. If you are full of ideas and talent but have no idea how to plan content or get followers or views, we encourage you to join us. We don't mind what level you are at, everyone is welcome.
The Children in Wales team will be around to help plan and shape the content and make the group's ideas a reality.
Now for the boring bit.
This opportunity is open to 13 - 25 year olds who live in Wales.
The content will be children's rights focused, but we will be encouraging a "thinking outside the box" approach to the how we make the content engaging and fun.
Before admission to the group, there will be some forms to fill in to ensure safety of the group members and staff
The groups main "hub" is via a discord server, and we ask that all members agree to the rules before entry
There will be a zoom call required to discuss the group and what your goals are before entry is permitted
We may require permission from your parent or guardian before entry is permitted (Under 16s)
This is on a volunteer basis. We are not asking for any set amount of hours being spent on this weekly/monthly, and we will try our best to work our schedules around what time and hours you can dedicate to the work.
Whilst in the group:
We ask that if you do put your name down to contribute to a piece of work (for example, you sign up to host an interview for a video) you can commit to undertaking that role within the group.
Any behaviors that break the rules of the group will result in a permanent ban.
if you're still interested in getting involved, fill out the form below and we will be in touch!
thank you for your time
Sarah, Children in Wales