Chief Executive Officer
As Chief Executive, Hugh is responsible for the organisation’s direction; leading, shaping and focussing CiW’s energies and activities to improve coordination across the sector and maximize the impact for children
Deputy CEO/Policy Director
As a member of the Senior Leadership Team, Sean leads the organisations policy work, and is responsible for work in the fields of children’s rights, child poverty, care experienced children and matters impacting more broadly on children and young people.
Finance and Operations Director
Stephanie has overall responsibility for managing Children in Wales’ budget, finances, HR and IT and also responsible for management of our office space.
Stephanie also oversees the work for the Finance & HR teams.
Delivery Director
Emily is a member of the Senior Leadership Team and oversees delivery of Children in Wales Youth Participation Programmes, Training provision, Safeguarding, the Independent Review Mechanism service as well as a number of collaborative Projects and Partnerships.
Kate T
Projects and Partnership Manager
Senior Policy Officer
Anna is responsible for development work in the field of family support, early years, childcare and children’s rights.
Development Officer, Parents Connect Wales
Fatiha is responsible for development work in the field of parent voice and parent participation in the promotion of children's rights.
Claire H
Development Officer, Additional Learning Needs (ALN)
Development Officer Youth Engagement FAW
Youth Engagement Worker FAW
Development Officer
Rachel B
Research and Policy Information Officer
Development Officer, Getting Ready Project
Bethan is the development officer for the Getting Ready Project who is responsible for the development of a suite of resources to support care experienced young people enhance their knowledge and understanding of their entitlements once leaving care. Bethan also delivers a variety of workshops to young people and professionals.
Natalie H
Getting Ready Project Intern
Natalie is the intern for the Getting Ready Project who is responsible for the development of a suite of resources to support care experienced young people enhance their knowledge and understanding of their entitlements once leaving care. Natalie also delivers a variety of workshops to young people and professionals.
Young Wales Manager
Tegan oversees the Young Wales participation programme with children and young people as well as the work of the Young Wales staff team. Tegan chairs the All Wales Participation Workers Network and the Young Carers Workers Network. She works on developing and delivering a strategy to grow the reach and prominence of Young Wales and to raise awareness of Children's Rights throughout her work.
Rachel C
Young Wales Senior Officer
Rachel oversees the consultation work and the Advisory boards and groups. Rachel also leads and delivers on the Young Carers and the 16+ Education and Training Advisory boards and groups.
Development Officer, Participation
Development Officer (Participation)
Russell is Young Wales' lead on the MH&WH National Youth Stakeholders Group and the National Participation Standards Young Inspectors and facilitates the All Wales Participation Workers Networks. Russell also leads the Youth Voice Network working in collaboration with the Electoral Commission. Other projects involve supporting a young person who is a member of the Eurochild Children's Council.
Young Wales Engagement Worker
Volunteer Engagement Officer Young Wales
Ilona is responsible for delivering the Young Wales Volunteering Programme. This includes the recruitment, induction, and support of young people from across Wales to access volunteer opportunities and training. Ilona also leads on the delivery of residentials, annual festivals and events to ensure a meaningful and inclusive engagement opportunity for Young Wales volunteers.
Training Manager
Claire is responsible for managing the Training Team who deliver interactive courses on a wide range of topics and levels including safeguarding, child rights, children looked after and child development.
Training Officer
Siân delivers the Children in Wales, advertised, commissioned and contract training courses on a range of subjects. She has particular expertise in training around safeguarding, children's rights, direct work with children, young people and families who have experienced different forms of abuse and neglect and supporting children and young people from marginalised groups.
Training Officer
Natalie facilitates a number of the Children in Wales, advertised, commissioned and contract training courses and has practitioner experience of training around safeguarding and children's rights in both statutory and voluntary sectors.
Natalie has worked directly with children and families in a range of settings, including education, charities, and children's services. Natalie is a qualified teacher and has particular expertise in group facilitation & working with volunteers.
Training Coordinator
Kelly is responsible for all administrative tasks linked to our training courses, together with our conferences and events.
Communications and Membership Manager
Membership Co-ordinator
Louise is responsible for supporting Children in Wales’ members to ensure that they receive their range of benefits. She also assists with marketing the organisation effectively and organising events and conferences.
Communications Officer
Zenyx is responsible for managing the social media accounts for Children in Wales and Young Wales, as well as updating the news section with our latest events. She helps Natasha with all things communications related, connecting us with our members and audience.
Events Officer
Emma is responsible for the development, management and implementation of the Children in Wales events calendar, delivering engaging events for our members, as well as supporting the delivery of events for our young volunteers.
IRM Foster & Adoption Contract Manager
Claire manages the Independent Review Mechanism (IRM), a service run on behalf of the Welsh Government ministers that is responsible for providing independent reviews of agency decisions about individual’s suitability to foster and adopt some of the most vulnerable children in our society.
Rachel is the administrator of the Independent Review Mechanism (IRM), a service run on behalf of the Welsh Government ministers that is responsible for providing independent reviews of agency decisions about individual’s suitability to foster and adopt some of the most vulnerable children in our society.
Gareth C
Trainee Finance Assistant
Gareth is responsible for processing the financial accounts for Children in Wales along with managing the purchase order system and supporting and assisting staff with purchases. Gareth also supports with the day to day IT.
Data & Monitoring Assistant
Salim is the Data Analyst at Children in Wales. Salim's role involves performing analysis on the Data held by different projects within the organisation and improving the processes of acquiring, managing and storing Data.
Governance Manager
Caroline is responsible for matters relating to the governance of the organisation. This includes the Trustee Board, Policy Council, and the revision and development of policies and procedures.
HR Officer
Fiona is responsible for human resources work for Children in Wales.
HR/Governance Assistant
Susie supports the HR and Governance functions at Children in Wales.