Child Poverty

Child & Family Poverty Survey Report:  Can you spare a few minutes?

Our Child & Family Poverty Survey is answered by practitioners and professionals who collectively work with a minimum of 110,000 families and their children across Wales.

Each year we produce a report based on the findings to understand how they are being used. Your feedback is very important to us and the quality of the report. Our aim is to make the report as useful as possible and your feedback will help to inform this. Please provide your feedback and thoughts.

Latest figures show that 28% of children in Wales are living in poverty.  Children are said to be living in poverty if they live in families with an income below 60% of the median income.  Poverty can have a devastating effect on a child’s life chances, having a negative impact on their education, health and overall wellbeing.  Their future housing and employment prospects can also be negatively impacted upon.

Children in Wales continues to work to prevent and reduce the levels of child poverty, and mitigate the impact on children, young people and their families.


Children in Wales’ work in this area includes:

Annual Child & Family Poverty Surveys 2024

Now Closed

Each year, Children in Wales, in partnership with the End Child Poverty Network Cymru (ECPN), conduct the Child & Family Poverty Surveys. We are now in our 8th year.

The findings from these surveys help us to identify and understand more about the current issues and impact poverty has on children, young people and families in Wales. Your experiences and views will help us identify and share this information widely.

 Your voices really do make a difference. For example, last year’s survey findings were widely disseminated and used to influence, inform and change practice and policy across Wales. They were also used for reports by Public Health Wales and to inform the new Child Poverty Strategy, launched in January 2024.

Whatever your role or sector, your experiences and views are greatly valued and important to us. Whether you’re a practitioner, educator, policy maker or manager, if your role includes a remit for children, young people and families, then we want to hear from you.   

We will publish and share the findings in October  

Our aim is that the findings will again help to shape and inform policy and practice in Wales.


Thank you for your support.

Projects Related to Child Poverty

Price of Pupil Poverty  End Child Poverty Network  Webinars / Events 

  Report on the 6th Annual Child and Family Poverty Surveys 2022    Report on the 7th Annual Child and Family Poverty Surveys 2023   

Early Years Action Group Position paper: Cost of Living Crisis