Early Years Action Group


Anna Westall, Senior Policy Officer


The purpose of this group is to bring together third sector organisations who have a focus on early years. We have established a collective voice to motivate and activate change, while aligning work to enable a consistent and collaborative approach.

The group aims to:

  • Bring professionals together to present a collective ‘voice’
  • Provide a space to discuss all elements of early years, with specific focus on the child being at the centre
  • Develop a forum where cross-sector work can be generated and nurtured
  • Respond as a collective voice to Welsh Government and other open consultations
  • Highlight gaps/concerns within policy development
  • To exchange knowledge between professionals who share an interest in early years, making sure that the knowledge shared identifies best practice and pertinent issues
  • To support the development of manifesto priorities
  • Take current research and shape future research and apply to policy development
  • Complete small scale pieces or work or research

Group membership

Membership is open to any professional working in the third sector with an interest in early years. Membership is for as long as the member is interested.

Current members include:

  • Home Start Cymru
  • Booktrust Wales
  • Early Years Wales
  • Play Wales
  • Save the Children
  • NSPCC Wales