End Child Poverty Network (ECPN) Cymru


Karen McFarlane, Senior Policy Officer


The End Child Poverty Network (ECPN) Cymru is a coalition of organisations focused on the eradication of child poverty in Wales, co-ordinated and managed on a day-to-day basis by Children in Wales. Its Steering Group includes representation from across the voluntary and statutory sectors, and the wider network has over a 1000 supporting members from a broad cross-section of agencies.

The End Child Poverty Network Cymru is co-ordinated by Children in Wales

Steering Group members include:

  • Action for Children

  • Barnardo’s Cymru

  • Children in Wales

  • Child Poverty Action Group

  • Citizens Advice

  • Homestart Cymru

  • National Energy Action Wales

  • National Youth Advocacy Service

  • NSPCC Cymru

  • Oxfam

  • Save the Children Wales

  • Shelter Cymru

  • The Children’s Society

  • The Prince’s Trust Cymru

  • The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health

  • The Trussel Trust

  • University of Wales Trinity Saint David


  • The Welsh Local Government Association
  • The Wales Trades Union Congress
  • The Office of the Children’s Commissioner for Wales