The National Parenting and Family Support Strategic Leads Network


Anna Westall - Policy Officer

Group membership

Members are made up of individuals who have the lead for parenting support in their local authority and/or have a strategic or coordinating role. Decisions about membership of the group ultimately rest with the Chair of the Network.

Children in Wales supports professionals across Wales to support practitioners to deliver better quality family/parenting support services by:

  • Seeking to influence policy relating to parenting and family support Providing information, support and resources for the parenting and family
  • Support workforce
  • Providing training to a range of professionals
  • Providing opportunities for practice and information exchange
  • Organising seminars, conferences and other events that share research, policy and good practice

The Network was established in 2009 as a response to requests from individuals undertaking a sole role as a parenting coordinator with strategic responsibility. These individuals wanted to come together to develop through providing shared learning, resourcing, mutual support and information. There was a want to exchange and to learn from each other through a problem-solving, solution focused approach.

The National Parenting and Family Support Strategic Leads Network have shared their views on the state of the Parenting and Family Support Sector in Wales. This report is the second to be released and the overall picture in Wales has not changed much from 2023 with many issues intensifying.


State of Parenting and Family Support Sector 2024