Policy Council


Caroline Taylor, Administration Manager


In accordance with our Articles of Association and as part of our ‘umbrella’ function, the Children in Wales Policy Council is a cross sector group made up of elected representatives from our membership, a number of key bodies and our Trustees. There are also some key observer groups.The group meets three times per year to discuss priority issues that are affecting the children, young people and families sector. The Policy Council reports to the Trustee Board and helps to steer our organisation by looking at joint policy strategies and priorities.

Members of our Policy Council include:

  • Helen Mary Jones (Chair)

Appointed Members

  • ACPO
  • ADEW
  • ADSS (represented by Gareth Jenkins)
  • NHS Confederation
  • Public Health Wales
  • Royal College of Paediatrics & Child Health in Wales
  • WLGA (represented by Stewart Blythe & Catherine Davies, WLGA)
  • CVCs

Elected Members

  • Action for Children / Gweithredu dros Blant (represented by Lee Bridgeman)
  • NSPCC Cymru (represented by Cecile Gwilym)
  • Race Council Cymru (represented by Uzo Iwobi)
  • Play Wales (represented by Mike Greenaway)
  • EYST (represented by Helal Uddin)
  • NYAS (represented by Sharon Lovell)
  • Caerphilly County Borough Council (represented by Gareth Jenkins)
  • National Adoption Service of Wales (represented by Suzanne Griffiths)
  • Adferiad Recovery (represented by Euan Hails)
  • LATCH Welsh Children’s Cancer Charity (represented by Menai Owen-Jones)
  • The Fostering Network (represented by Elizabeth Bryan)

Trustee Board members

  • Helen Mary Jones
  • Bethan Webber (Cwmpas)
  • Deborah Jones (Voices from Care Cymru)
  • Jackie Murphy
  • Jenny Williams (Conwy CBC)
  • Sarah Crawley (Barnardo’s Cymru)
  • Liam Maguire (Home Start Cymru)
  • Katie Simmons (Ty Hafan)
  • Professor Euan Hails (Adferiad Recovery)
  • Helal Uddin (EYST)


  • Big Lottery Fund
  • CAFCASS Cymru
  • Children’s Commissioner for Wales
  • Welsh Government
  • Youth Justice Board
  • Social Care Wales