NGO National Children’s Directors’ Group


Hugh Russell, Chief Executive

This is a group made up of Directors of national children’s voluntary organisations in Wales. They work closely with the Policy Officers’ group above, providing a strategic steer in order to inform priority areas.

Membership of the Group

  • Action for Children Gweithredu Dros Blant
  • Barnardo’s Cymru
  • Children in Wales
  • NSPCC Cymru
  • Save the Children
  • TGP Cymru

The functions of the Group will include:

  • to identify issues, concerns and priorities, which affect the organisations represented
  • to identify which of the above should be brought to the attention of the appropriate Minister at the Welsh Government
  • to agree on those cross-cutting issues that can be lobbied on jointly
  • to meet annually with the Children’s Commissioner for Wales
  • to meet at least once per year with representatives of the Welsh Local Government Association
  • to meet annually with the most relevant Welsh Government cabinet member
  • to provide direction for Children in Wales’ role on the Third Sector Partnership Council
  • to pool resources to improve capacity for the achievement of agreed shared aims
  • to link with, influence and be informed by Children in Wales’ Policy Officers’ Network