Price of Pupil Poverty Resources

Using the Price of Pupil Poverty Guides

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Price of Pupil Poverty Resources

For schools and settings and practitioners working with children and young people

Currently in Wales 8 children in a class of 30 are living in poverty. This affects their daily lives, education and future life opportunities.

School settings and the costs associated with the school day can be problematic for many learners and their families.

The following free resources offer practical steps and solutions for a whole school approach to help remove barriers and the 'cost' of learning in your school or setting by supporting you to consider and implement change using the Price of Pupil Poverty Guides and associated toolkit. 

These resources were originally developed as part of the Price of Pupil Poverty project/Tackling the Impact of Poverty on Education programme, which was funded by Welsh Government as part of their commitment to tackling increasing levels of child poverty and to improve the mental health, emotional wellbeing and attainment of all children in Wales. You can read more about this project here.

The comprehensive list of resources includes:

  • The Price of Pupil Poverty Guides – covering 5 key areas and offering low cost or no cost solutions to each (Understanding Poverty; School Uniform and Clothing: Food and Hunger; Participation in the Life of the School; Home-School Relationship)
  • Toolkit to help you implement the guides in your school or setting – this includes a checklist; action plan template and example; parent survey template; learner voice activity)
  • Short Guides – a shorter version of the full Guides, including a ‘how to’ guide
  • Governors’ Guide
  • Case Studies
  • Mitigating the Impact of Poverty in STEM education mini-guide
  • Tackling the Impact of Poverty Related Bullying mini-guide
  • nformation and Practice Guide – read information from schools and settings who have been successfully implementing the Price of Pupil Poverty resources:

‘It has shifted our culture as a whole school so that poverty and its impact remains a focus for us all.’

‘It will have a great impact on your pupils and families.’