In 2019 Children Commissioner for Wales published their Plan for Children and Young People 2019-2022.
They have now published an evaluation of that three year plan.
In 2019 they set out five aspirations for children and young people, to help them guide their work.
They wanted to see:
- Services working together to give children and young people the mental health support they need, where and they need it.
- Public organisations from every sector prioritising children’s rights when designing and delivering services for children and young people.
- All children learning about their rights in schools, and children experiencing their rights in all education settings, including the home.
- The government taking clear steps to reduce child poverty and its impact.
- Children having the same protection from physical punishment as adults.
These ambitions were formed through:
- The views of thousands of children and young people, through Ambassadors schemes, and a national survey.
- An evidence review (PDF) of national information on children and young people.
- Meetings with a host of services and organisations that support children.
There has been steady progress, including new rights and entitlements, and shifts in policy direction and funding.
Highlights include:
- The removal of the Defence of Reasonable Punishment, so children have equal protection in law to adults from physical harm.
- Changes to Wales’s curriculum which means all children will learn about their rights and all staff will be trained to support their rights.
- Care leavers no longer have to pay Council Tax;
- Securing funding for safe accommodation for children with complex mental health and social care needs.
- Steady progress towards a ‘No Wrong Door’ approach for services for children with complex needs throughout Wales.
- Significant changes in civic rights for young people, with the development of Wales’ Youth Parliament and lowering the voting age to 16.