Do you work with babies and young children? Are you interested in learning about and advocating for the rights of babies and young children? Then you might be interested in joining the Children’s Rights in Early Years Network (CREYN). 

The Children’s Rights in Early Years Network is made up of a range of professionals who have an interest in young children’s rights, including those who work in Universities, Local Authorities, Charities, Early Years settings and more. It is jointly co-ordinated and facilitated by Children in Wales and the School of Education, Swansea University.  

The aim of the CREYN is to bridge the gap between practice, policy, and research, share and exchange knowledge, and collectively advocate for the rights of babies and young children. 

The Network meet online four times a year and hold an annual conference. Last year's conference focused on Listening to our Youngest Children and included speakers from across the UK. See the link below for more information on this: 

Children in Wales | Listening to our Youngest Children - Perspectives from across the UK 

We are looking for new members - our membership is open to any professional with an interest in children’s rights. 

If you are interested in joining the CREYN or want to find out more please contact Anna Westall, Senior Policy Officer at Children in Wales: or  

 Jacky Tyrie, Programme Director MA Childhood Studies & Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies at Swansea University: 

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