The Parenting and Family Support sector in Wales is overstretched and overwhelmed. They are being forced to move away from an early intervention and prevention approach and are left firefighting crisis after crisis. Staff well-being is of huge concern as staff take on more responsibility and pressure, often out of their specific remit.
The National Parenting and Family Support Strategic Leads Network have shared their views on the state of the Parenting and Family Support Sector in Wales. This report is the second to be released and the overall picture in Wales has not changed much from 2023 with many issues intensifying.
The sector is doing their best to respond positively, and many Local Authorities have actively sourced creative ways to deal with issues and support families as best as they can.
Ultimately though the sector is unable to meet the demand and complexity of what they are receiving and have concerns in the ability to deliver the early intervention and prevention service they are funded to do so.