Purpose of the role
The National Youth Stakeholders Group is for young people with lived experience or a special interest in relation to mental health and wellbeing. The group aims to address mental health issues shared by young people and review mental health and wellbeing initiatives by the Welsh Government and other organisations across Wales. The types of work that you could get involved in includes reviewing, developing and testing how Welsh Government are working to improve mental health and wellbeing services in schools, local authorities and health (like CAMHS).
6 x 2 hour hybrid meetings per year
Age range
14 to 25
Lived experience of (or a special interest in) mental health and wellbeing
Benefits of Volunteering
To get involved and start your Young Wales volunteering journey, complete our registration form https://forms.office.com/e/L0a1etADvf
If you would like further information please contact: volunteer@childreninwales.org.uk