State of Girls' Rights Report 2020
Plan International UK has published their final report online, entitled the State of Girls' Rights Report 2020.
Written by Mike Mainwairing, Training Officer, Children in Wales
So what is non-binary?
Society in the West has set up two genders: Male and Female and in that order. This doesn’t describe how some people actually feel. Some people feel 100% female or 100% male. Some people don’t feel they can identify with either and feel something different. Some people choose to identify as non-binary, not identifying with either gender. Non-binary – an umbrella term to describe people whose gender is neither man nor woman; can also be used as an individual gender identity for someone who is neither a woman nor a man, but does not identify further. Other people best describe how they feel about their gender as:
Agender – having no gender or being genderless
Androgyne – identifying somewhere in between man and woman
Bigender – having two gender identities, either at the same time or interchangeably
Demiboy – partially, but not completely, identifying as a man, boy, or masculine person
Demigender – having partial connection with one gender (male, female, or other)
Demigirl – partially, but not completely, identifying as a woman, girl, or feminine person
Enby – a slang term to refer to a non-binary person, not all non-binary people identify with this term
Gender Apathetic - Similar to Agender, however the person really doesn't identify nor care about any particular gender or pronouns. They may use the pronouns given to them or accept any/all pronouns.
Genderfluid – moving between two or more gender identities at different times, in different circumstances, etc.
Genderqueer – a non-normative or queer gender, having no exclusive connection to any gender
Multigender – having more than one gender
Neutrois – neutral or null gender, similar to agender
Pangender- having many or all genders within one’s culture
Transfeminine or Transfem – a person assigned male at birth (AMAB) who identifies with a feminine gender, but does not necessarily identify as a woman
Transmasculine or Transmasc – a person assigned female at birth (AFAB) who identifies with a masculine gender, but does not necessarily identify as a man
Some people do not want a label to describe themselves at all.
Just take a minute and ask yourself, have I ever thought about my gender? If not, just take a minute and ask yourself how do you feel about your gender?
Most people have never had to think about their gender. I thought it was something young people said to be different, and now I can admit my ignorance and lack of thought when people said they were non-binary. Having watched Ginny Lemon and Bimini Bon Boulash describe how they felt about growing up and identifying as non-binary, I realised how important this was. I was wrong.
Although most people are comfortable with being referred to as her/him, hers/his some people prefer to be referred to as They/Them and other variations. So if in doubt, ask, politely.
Please watch out for Children in Wales training that will explore non-binary identities in the not too distant future.
Useful links:
Teen Vogue, 9-things-people-get-wrong-about-being-non-binary 2021
LGBT Foundation, Trans People, Ono-binary
Ted Talks, Io Tillette Wright, 2012
RuPaul’s Drag race UK, 2021
Plan International UK has published their final report online, entitled the State of Girls' Rights Report 2020.