Call for Evidence
State of Children’s Rights in Wales
The United Nations are undertaking an examination of the progress made by governments to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC).
In December 2020, we published our State of Children’s Rights in Wales report with over 90 contributions from civil society in Wales to inform the UN’s list of priorities which they published in February 2021. A joint government response to these priorities was submitted to the UN in June 2022
Children in Wales, with our partners in the Wales UNCRC Monitoring Group, are now refreshing our report which we will submit to the UN later this year. We are keen to capture what has changed in your areas of work since our report was published.
We want to hear from you.
This is a real opportunity to hold the government to account and to identify areas for change.
Click to view flyer here.
You helped us identify the following issues to the UN through our December 2020 report.
Violence against Children Violence, abuse and neglect Sexual exploitation and abuse Harmful practices (FGM, FM etc.) Domestic Abuse Bullying |
Family Environment & Alternative Care Childcare Care experienced children Children of prisoners Young Carers |
Disability, Basic Health & Welfare Disabled children Health inequalities Mental Health Environmental Health Child Poverty |
Education, Leisure & Cultural Activities Education Play & Leisure Cultural activities |
Special Protection Measures Asylum Seekers, Refugees and Migrant children Administration of juvenile justice |
General Principles Non Discrimination Race, Hate Crime Gypsy Travellers Respect for Views of the Child / Participation |
General Measures of Implementation Legislation & Strategy Children’s Rights Impact Assessment Coordination Budgeting Independent monitoring |
Overarching Issues (including) Impact of COVID 19 Impact of Brexit Incorporation of Human Rights Frameworks Human Rights Act |
How to contribute: Submission Guidance.
We welcome responses and evidence on as many of the topics as you wish to respond to. We do not expect you to cover every topic, only those areas where you have knowledge and evidence you wish to share.
We are especially keen to capture
• What are the main issues that the Welsh Government should be prioritising and why?
• What has changed since our report in December 2020? Has anything got better or worse for children in Wales? What progress has been made? What trends are you seeing?
• What information or evidence do you have to support this?
• What policy or changes in law need to happen and why?
• What recommendations do you suggest the UN should make to government(s) to improve the situation for children in Wales?
Please be concise and try and keep your response to approximately 400 words per issue. Please include references to any studies (published or non-published), statistics and reports which have been released since 2020 to support your evidence. Please include any evidence you may have gathered from children or young people or any case studies you wish to include.
Please be clear as to whether you’re providing a response on behalf of your organisation or from a network or as an individual (e.g. academic)
Your input may be shared with thematic leads in our Steering Group for the purpose of checking for accuracy.
Acknowledgements – we wish to give full recognition to all organisations who have contributed evidence to inform the report. Prior to publication, organisations will be contacted to support the Report. There is no obligation for this, but we would like to support and show appreciation to organisations for their time and involvement in this work.
Please send your submissions to – CRCWales@childreninwales.org.uk
If you have any questions, please contact Sean O’Neill sean.oneill@childreninwales.org.uk
Closing Date – Friday 7th October 2022