Over 7 working days between April 22 and May 1 2020, Children in Wales issued a survey to our members and wider constituents.
The focus of our survey was to gain an insight into the challenges organisations were facing as a consequence of COVID 19, and to gather their input to inform our future priorities. Now we have released a summary report of the survey, presenting the results acquired. The survey obtained opinion and information on topics ranging from the main effects of Covid-19 on your organisation, to how has your organisation been able to maintain engagement with children, young people and/or families as well as suggestions on how Children in Wales can support your organisationäó»s activities during the Covid-19 crisis.
You can download the full report here.
Children in Wales would wish to thank all of our respondents for taking the time to complete this survey during a period of significant change and greater workloads, as organisations rapidly adapted their practices to meet the new challenges presented. The report will be used to inform our future work programme, and will be shared with Welsh Government officials to support their on-going considerations when responding to the impact of the pandemic on children and families.