‘Keeping Safe Online Youth Group’ - a fantastic opportunity for young people to speak up about online issues that affect them
Who are we looking to recruit?
We are inviting applications from a diverse range of 13-16 year olds who are:
· active online and passionate about making the internet a safer environment for everyone
· willing to share their ideas and represent their community
· comfortable discussing positive and negative online experiences of young people, in a safe space, including any issues and worries that may be experienced by them and their peers
What will the group do?
The Welsh Government wants to ensure that children and young people can make the most of being online, whilst being able to deal with any problems they encounter.
Young people are the experts in this area, so it is important that they are involved in shaping how help and information can be offered by Welsh Government.
The group will discuss online safety topics and their relevance, as well as good and bad aspects of being online as a young person. They will also give ideas about what further advice and support could be helpful for young people to keep safe online.
The group will be asked:
· to give feedback on the information currently provided on the ‘Online issues and worries’ area of Hwb
· suggest additional topics which could be added
· provide creative input into how the pages could be made more appealing / appropriate for young people.
This is a unique opportunity to be directly involved in helping to influence future online safety activity and planning in Welsh Government and to tell us about what life online is really like for young people. Members of the group will be able to talk directly to the team in Welsh Government to discuss how best to support children and young people with online safety.
If you are a young person who is interested in taking part, or you know a young person who is, please follow this link to apply: https://forms.office.com/r/4AvfMLPKq1
Closing date: 21st October 2022.
If you have any questions, or need support in your application, you can contact Elaine on: elaine.speyer@childreninwales.org.uk or you can phone, text, or WhatsApp: 07494 208572.