Hi, I'm Kai and I'm a young carer for my brother, sister and mam. Being a young carer has posed many challenges that I have had to overcome whilst growing up. I have struggled with balancing my caring duties and education throughout the entirety of secondary school and continue to do so now, with university. As a young carer I have faced many challenges and hurdles due to the lack of awareness about young carers not only in my community but nationwide. So I decided to do something about it, to ensure that other young carers can have better access to support and opportunities, of which I didn't have.
That's why when Young Wales announced that they would be starting a young carers advisory board I couldn't help but run to the sign up sheet. For the past two years I have participated in a wide variety of opportunities and events, which I would like to share some of the highlights with you in this article.
The MAG:
Since June 2024 I have sat on the Ministerial Advisory Group for unpaid carers. As the only young carer in the group, I was very anxious at first, despite being an adult myself I felt very out of place, however it didn't take long for the anxiety to turn into excitement as the other attendees quickly made me feel at home. Throughout my time on the MAG I have raised issues surrounding the young carer ID cards and the accessibility criteria for the young carers allowance. The MAG was and continues to be an amazing opportunity, as via participating I am able to raise the issues so many young carers are facing and learn more about what there is to support young carers/unpaid carers.
The Young Carers festival
Last year I attended the young carers festival as a part of the Young Carers Advisory Board, it was a fun day where we not only helped run the Young Wales Stall but we also got to have fun! We got the chance to meet other young carers as well as play on inflatables - which was fun because I got to watch one of my mates fall off! We also got the chance to meet a load of animals at the petting zoo section. The Young Carers festival was a brilliant break from our caring roles, as well as a chance to hangout with friends and meet new people.
The All Wales Carers Assembly
In both 2024 and 2025 I attended The All Wales Carers Assembly, as one of the only two young carers we did feel nervous at first, but we got to raise important issues such as the young carer ID cards (in the 2024 event) and how carers allowance should be available to those young carers who are in education (raised in the 2025 event). In both events we were given the opportunity to share our stories, socialise with other unpaid carers and meet ministers and governmental officials, giving us the chance to share our experiences and what we feel needs to be changed.
But along with all the awareness work we have done so far, I will also be eternally grateful to the board for giving me two of my best friends. I have often found it hard with my caring responsibilities to have the time or energy to make friends but this board introduced me to people who understood the hardships, people who truly knew what it's like to be a young carer.
Finally, I know it can be hard as a young carer especially if you can’t find the support or other people who understand what its like. But I promise you there is support out there, you can even find groups like your local youth councils or other organisations such as Children in Wales, that will help you to stand up and speak about matters that are affecting you.
Thank you for reading and Happy young carers action day!