Baby’s Voice - Parent Consultation
Are you a parent or carer of a baby or young child under 2 years old? Help us understand what your baby needs from you and others around them.
Opportunity to join our Trustee Board or Policy Council
We are currently inviting nominations from Members to join the Children in Wales Trustee Board and/or the Policy Council, to take office from the AGM in October 2023.
Nominations for Policy Council
Every three years, we issue a call out for nominations to the Children in Wales Policy Council. Nominations are open to any Member of Children in Wales, and we particularly encourage representation from the breadth of our cross-sector membership. The Policy Council meets three times each year to discuss priority issues that are affecting the children, young people and families sector. This year so far, the agenda has included discussions around care experienced children, the cost of living crisis and child poverty, and the UNCRC latest reporting cycle, for example. Contributors from Welsh Government, Children’s Commissioner’s Office and the Future Generation’s Commissioner’s Office provide opportunities for questions and to hear the views of colleagues from other sectors.
Nominations for Trustee Board
Each year, our three longest serving elected Trustees are required to stand down from the Board. This year, Patrick Thomas, Deborah Jones and Jackie Murphy will stand down. Having served just one term of office, both Deborah Jones and Jackie Murphy are eligible for re-nomination if they should wish. However, Patrick Thomas has served two terms of office and must stand down for a period of two years before being eligible for nomination again. Therefore, there are three places available for election to the Trustee Board.
Find out more about becoming a Trustee
Nomination Form – Trustee
Find out more about the Policy Council
Nomination Form – Policy Council
Alternatively, email
The deadline for nominations is the 6th September 2023.
Are you a parent or carer of a baby or young child under 2 years old? Help us understand what your baby needs from you and others around them.