Children in Wales with leading national children's charities in Wales have launched a manifesto for the Senedd Elections 2021. The manifesto aims to ensure that children's rights are central and prioritised by all political parties in Wales.

We are calling on all political parties to:

  • Make children a priority
  • See children as part of the solution to COVID-19 recovery
  • Listen to children and take account of what they tell you
  • Support children by investing in the services they access
  • Value children by prioritising early intervention, prevention & family support measures

Our calls are aimed at ensuring that:

  • All children have access to their RIGHTS
  • All children are SAFEGUARDED and PROTECTED
  • No child experiences POVERTY
  • All children have positive EMOTIONAL HEALTH and WELLBEING

The manifesto sets out four priority areas including strengthening national structures in Government and Parliament, Enhancing local and regional structures, Investing in Children and the response to Covid-19. Sean Oneill, Policy Director for Children in Wales said:

"The impact of decisions taken in response to COVID-19 on children has been profound, but we know that many faced significant barriers prior to the onset of the pandemic. As political parties prepare to publish their election priorities over the coming months, we are asking them to make sure that they put children first, and create a Wales truly fit for all children and young people, whatever their backgrounds, their situations or their characteristics. With 16 and 17 year olds being given the right to vote for the very first time, their issues will be that much harder to ignore. We call upon all party leaders to put children at the heart of the next Government, and deliver the 4 priority areas we have set out with our partners in our joint manifesto published today"

The full manifesto is available here:

Putting Children First: A Manifesto for the Senedd Elections 2021