Safer Internet Day - Internet use and Children's R…
Why not help us celebrate Safer Internet Day 2021 today and catch-up on a networking event that Children in Wales organised last week?
To mark St David’s Day, the Deputy Minister for Social Services, Julie Morgan has published ‘The Children and Young People’s Plan’. The plan outlines seven cross government priorities, for the next four years, to help achieve this ambition and deliver Welsh Government’s commitment to support children and young people.
Developed alongside children and young people, following a consultation exercise with 173 children and young people and partner organisations across Wales. The plan sets out work already underway and what Welsh Government will do in the next 12 months to ensure all children, regardless of background;
Each year Ministers will measure and report on how the actions in the plan are helping them reach the nine ambitious milestones, laid out in the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 they want Wales to achieve by 2050.
Speaking to some of the young people involved in the development of the plan, the Deputy Minister for Social Services, Julie Morgan said:
Our ambition is for Wales to be a wonderful place to grow up, live and work, now and in the future. We want all children and young people, regardless of where they live in Wales or their backgrounds, to have the best start in life and to live the lives they want to live.
But we cannot do it on our own. That is why we asking you and everyone in Wales to work with us. Together, we can deliver this plan for the children of Wales. I am particularly grateful to the children and young people who gave their views on the priorities while we were writing this plan. Your involvement, not just in writing the plan, but in helping us deliver it, will be critical to its success.
The First Minister for Wales, Mark Drakeford said:
We are proud that Wales was the first UK nation to write children’s rights into its laws. Our Programme for Government set out an ambitious programme of support for children and young people and these commitments are brought together in this Children and Young People’s Plan.
Every child in Wales has the right to have a fair and secure start in life and have opportunities to progress their education, training and employment. I look forward to continuing to work with young people to meet our commitments and make Wales a place where everyone grows up knowing that they are valued.
Owen Evans, Children in Wales Chief Executive said:
We welcome the Welsh Government’s Children and Young People’s Plan, and we’re delighted that children from across Wales have had the opportunity to contribute their views in shaping the plan. It reaffirms Wales’ strong commitment to children’s rights and we look forward to working with Welsh Government, partners and, most importantly, children and young people in order to support delivery of the plan.
The final budget for 2022/2023 published today outlines more than £1.3bn investment specific to early years and education, in addition to close to £0.75bn provided to local authorities to deliver essential services such as schools. This funding will enhance further children’s development and their learning, to provide the highest quality offer to give the best start in life.
Why not help us celebrate Safer Internet Day 2021 today and catch-up on a networking event that Children in Wales organised last week?
Action for Children has launched its Parent Talk online parenting advice service in Wales with access to Welsh speaking staff for 1:1 advice and support.