Children’s Rights in the Early Years Network (CREYN)


Anna Westall, Policy Officer

Jacky Tyrie, Programme Director MA Childhood Studies & Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Studies

Group membership

Any professional with an interest in children’s rights may become a member. Membership is for as long as the member is interested. All members will be asked to write a brief ‘Pen portrait’ to be shared online.

To reduce the size of meetings, most meetings will be themed so members can attend those meetings which they deem relevant.

Children in Wales jointly co-ordinates and facilitates this Network with the School of Education, Swansea University

CREYN Poster for Website.png

We are pleased to advise as part of our Early Childhood Play, Learning and Care approach for 0–5-year-olds in Wales; a number of leaflets have been developed covering:

  • what Children’s Rights are,

  • the United Nations Convention on Rights of the Child,

  • how to support babies and young children’s rights from age 0-5 years

The A3 leaflet has been developed for practitioners and the four A4 leaflets have been developed for parents. Both sets cover Here I am! (0-12 months) I’m exploring! (1-2 years) Look at me now! (2-3 years) and Watch me go, here I come! (3-5 years).


