Parenting support and services in Wales

Need help and advice on any aspect of parenting and family life -  contact 

1:1 chat - Parent Talk (

Parenting and Family Support - Family Lives (Parentline Plus) | Family Lives


Support from Welsh Government

Teulu Cymru or “Family of Wales,” is here for parents, carers and families of children aged 0-18, pointing them in the right direction for different Welsh Government sources of practical and financial support.

From parenting tips and expert development advice, to help with childcare costs- Teulu makes it a little easier to access this support in one place.

Welcome to the Family!

Parenting. Give it time. has been developed by the Welsh Government to provide positive parenting practical information, advice and support for parents and caregivers with responsibility for raising children up to the age of 18 years of age.

It has been developed with a range of organisations and professionals including psychologists, health visitors, academics and parenting experts to provide the expert advice.

The website provides practical tips and expert advice for all your parenting challenges from newborn to teenagers. It covers and huge array of topics and includes top tips, information sheets, videos and links to lots of organisations that can provide more help and support.

Mental Health and Well-being

Mind Cymru - mental health support for Wales - Mind 

CALL Helpline - About Us 

Ways to better wellbeing - Hapus  - There are lots of ways to protect and improve our mental wellbeing. Hapus shares more about evidence-based actions that we can take. Hapus is a brand of Public Health Wales and delivered with key national partners.


Top tips for parents & carers_FINAL ( 

Help With Bullying ( 


Peer pressure | Childline 

Information for 11-18 year olds on confidence and self-esteem - Mind 

Social Media 

Keeping children safe online | NSPCC 

What is social media? | NSPCC 

Keeping safe online - Hwb ( 

Poverty/Cost of living 

Children in Wales | Financial support information

Local Support Services

Find out about the parenting support services available in your local area.  
Click on your local authority area below to find out more.