Wales UNCRC Monitoring Group


Sean O’Neill, Deputy CEO/Policy Director

Members of the Monitoring Group are representatives of, and nominated by, non-governmental organisations and academics which are as follows:

Other organisations will be invited to attend Network meetings where there is a clear link with the agenda.

The Wales UNCRC Monitoring Group is a national alliance of non-governmental and academic agencies, tasked with monitoring and promoting the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Wales.  The UNCRC Monitoring Group was established in 2002 and since May 2016 has been facilitated by Children in Wales. The Group has worked with the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child and submitted civil society reports to inform successive UK State Party Examinations.

The aims of the UNCRC Monitoring Group are to:

  • Work together to ensure the effective co-ordination of monitoring of the UNCRC in Wales, including through producing Civil Society Shadow Reports
  • Monitor the implementation of the UNCRC in Wales
  • Promote the UNCRC, the UN Concluding Observations and recommendations made by the Monitoring Group report to the UN
  • Work to ensure arrangements are in place for effective reporting to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child through collaboration between the Welsh Government, children, young people and NGOs working together in this process
  • Promote the participation of children in monitoring and reporting activities.
  • Identify opportunities for influencing Welsh and UK Government on implementation of the UNCRC
  • Promote public awareness, particularly of children and young people about the UNCRC
  • Share information and promote networks in Wales relating to the UNCRC.
  • Ensure Wales is represented at Wales and UK wide forums and events relating to the UNCRC