Third Sector Additional Needs Alliance (TSANA)


TSANA is a coalition of third sector organisations working with, supporting and representing a broad range of children and young people with additional learning needs.  This Alliance is facilitated by Children in Wales.

TSANA believes that all children and young people, regardless of their abilities, educational needs or circumstances should be able to realise their rights under the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.

We believe in equity and parity of education and work to improve the educational and training outcomes and opportunities for children and young people with additional learning needs, ensuring they are valued, empowered, respected and represented.


  • To promote the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, particularly in regard to children and young people with additional learning needs
  • To promote the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)
  • To ensure local and national Government respect, reflect and address the needs of children and young with additional learning needs
  • Provide a forum to support policy development and a united voice on key issues regarding statutory systems in Wales
  • Promote partnership working across third sector organisations who work to support and represent children and young people with additional learning needs



Membership is open to any organisation within the third sector with a working interest in children and young people with additional learning needs.


Current Members

  • Children in Wales
  • Down Syndrome Association
  • Guide Dogs Cymru
  • Mudiad Meithrin
  • National Autistic Society
  • National Deaf Children's Society
  • Natspec
  • RNIB Cymru
  • SNAP Cymru