Online Training and Engagement Techniques

Half-day course The objective of this course is to demonstrate methods for maintaining participant engagement during online training sessions, presentations, or social events. It provides a non-technical introduction to enhancing engagement in virtual settings. Participants will receive guidance on promoting online etiquette and ensuring safe practices. The course will explore strategies for trainers to maintain control over the learning environment, ensuring safety and security for all attendees. Additionally, it will examine the advantages and disadvantages of online chat and offer insights on its effective utilisation. A comparison of platforms such as Zoom, Blackboard, and Teams will be conducted. The course will also cover the use of plugins and add-ons, including Mentimeter, Socrative, Ahaslides, Slido, and Padlet. Participants will learn about optimal setups for training delivery, weighing the benefits of single versus multiple screens and the advantages of wired connections over Wi-Fi, as well as the ideal group sizes. By the conclusion of the course, participants will be equipped to incorporate and design online games, quizzes, and other interactive activities that foster learning and engagement. They will explore collaborative techniques for learners to jointly annotate diagrams and effectively utilise the whiteboard. The course will encourage smaller group work through the breakout room feature and demonstrate how mobile phones can be used for polling, answering questions, and providing feedback. Participants will also learn how to address issues that may arise during sessions. This course is designed for trainers, family support workers, youth workers, and anyone involved in engaging groups of adults and young people in an online context.