At this webinar, delegates heard key findings from Children in Wales’ 5th Annual Child and Family Poverty Survey Report. The report shares the experiences and views of practitioners and professionals working with over 33,000 families across Wales and, importantly, hears the voices and experiences of children and young people themselves.
Children in Wales | Children in Wales Annual Child Poverty Survey Report Launched
The findings from the surveys are bleak and unacceptable. The practitioners' and professionals' survey findings show an increase in debt; an increase in the numbers of children and families struggling emotionally; and an increase in the number of children being hungry. These findings were echoed in the responses from the children and young people themselves. Dominant themes from their survey raised issues of poor emotional health, feelings of isolation, depression, anxiety and poverty related bullying.
The webinar gave participants a greater understanding of the daily issues faced by many children, young people, and families who live in poverty and the impact this has.
Karen McFarlane, Policy Officer: Poverty and Vulnerable Children, Children in Wales and author of the report