The Young Wales team works hard to create amazing opportunities for young people to get involved in, all year round. We have a variety of different boards and groups which meet together on a bi-monthly basis to work on their respective exciting projects, and they are made up of young people from all around Wales. Here’s some examples of the boards and groups you could get involved with as a Young Wales volunteer.
Download the Terms of Reference Here.
Here’s a quick look into what each board and group offers:
The Young Carer’s Advisory Board is a group for young people aged 11-18 who have lived experience of being a young carer, to discuss and share their experiences with other young carers. Advocating for young carers’ rights, needs and wellbeing are key to the work of this group - we want to provide a safe space where you can share your experiences as a Young Carer and feel understood.
The Mental Health and Wellbeing National Youth Stakeholders Group (NYSG) is a safe space for young people aged 11-25 to talk about their experiences with mental health and wellbeing services in Wales. You can get involved if you have lived experience in this area, or just a general interest – let’s dive in and make a difference!
Our LGBTQ+ group offers a safe space where LGBTQ+ young people and their allies can talk about topics that matter to them, review policies and practices, and have an input by giving recommendations. Anyone aged between 11-25 who’s LGBTQ+ or supports LGBTQ+ rights can join in!
The Social Justice and Climate Change Group is all about giving a voice to young people aged 11-25 years old in Wales, and making sure your thoughts on what’s happening in our world are heard loud and clear. We’re tackling big issues like fairness, poverty and saving our planet for the next generation. Let’s make Wales better for everyone!
The Education and Training Advisory Board is a place for young people to talk about their schooling and future employment and training opportunities available in Wales. If you’re aged 11 to 15, we will focus on discussing school, and any challenges you might be facing that are getting in the way of your education. We want to work together to create better opportunities for young people, and we want your input!
For young people who are 16 or older, we are diving into the Young Person’s Guarantee. It’s a commitment made by the Welsh Government to provide young people in Wales with an ongoing offer of support to gain a place in education or training, find a job or become self-employed. Let’s talk about how to make the most of it!
The Feeling Safe (Online and in Relationships) Group is here to make you feel comfortable and respected, both online and in relationships. It is for anyone aged 11-25 who has an interest in this issue. Our big goal? To make sure that children and young people stay safe, whether they’re online or spending time with others.
We use Microsoft Forms to sign up our Young Wales volunteers so if you want to register as a Young Wales volunteer you can sign up by clicking the button below. It will take about 20 minutes to complete. We will then get in touch by email to invite you to an online volunteer induction, and upcoming opportunities and events.
If you have any questions, want to find out more, or need help with the registration form, please get in touch with us by emailing us.
Follow us on Instagram @YoungWalesCIW