Poverty Surveys

Each year, Children in Wales, in partnership with the End Child Poverty Network (ECPN) Cymru, conduct the Child & Family Poverty Surveys.

Each year, Children in Wales, in partnership with the End Child Poverty Network (ECPN) Cymru, conduct the Child and Family Poverty Surveys. Our Child & Family Poverty Surveys are answered by children and young people, practitioners and professionals across Wales and new for 2024, by parents and carers.

Hearing these collective voices help us to identify and understand more about the current issues and impact poverty has on children, young people and families in Wales. Their experiences and views help us identify and share this information widely, with the purpose of influencing change, shaping and informing practice and policy. These voices are heard and really do make a difference.

Whatever your role or sector, if you have remit for babies, children, young people and their families, these reports will be of interest to you.​​​​​​​


Thank you for your support.


