Children's Rights


Sean O’Neill, Deputy CEO/Policy Director

The rights to which all children and young people, under the age of 18, are entitled to are set out internationally in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). The UNCRC was drawn up in 1989 to ensure that the universal rights of children are upheld throughout the world.  It sets out these fundamental rights through 41 articles.

Children’s rights are at the heart of Children in Wales’ work as we strive to ensure that they are upheld in Wales.

Our work in this area includes:

  • Coordinating the Wales UNCRC Monitoring Group as the national children’s rights alliance in Wales
  • Proactively engaging with Welsh Government, Children’s Commissioner for Wales and other external stakeholders in Wales, including through our involvement in strategic working groups.
  • Working with our member organisations to build capacity across the sector to increase awareness of the UNCRC and its implementation in practice 
  • Engaging with key individuals and organisations focused on promoting and implementing the UNCRC in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Europe
  • Delivering training to professionals and young people on children’s rights, participation and the UNCRC
  • Producing resources and reports

Projects Related to Rights

Wales UNCRC Monitoring Group


