School uniforms can help to create a sense of community, belonging and identity. Alongside this, they can also help to reduce visible signs of lower income and poverty, reducing stigma, embarrassment and poverty related bullying.
However, for many children and young people living in poverty, school uniforms are regularly a source of stress, anxiety and bullying. Where families are unable to afford to buy the correct uniform, learners are frequently bullied and isolated by their peers, and this can lead to increased absenteeism, disengagement and demotivation.
“If uniforms had no badges and was plain, it would be cheaper and more accessible to more people. The school could even sell iron on badges so it would be cheaper because having to buy from a uniform shop is very expensive“ (10-13yrs)
Through this Supporting Change: School Uniforms briefing and accompanying case studies, we want to help schools implement changes to their current school uniform policies and practice through greater understanding of the affordability issues, increasing awareness of the impact current policies has on children, young people and their families, and share practices that are being implemented by schools to address these issues.
“Our school really works to make sure children in poverty don’t obviously stand out. There is free uniform for children who need it and it’s been donated by other children” (10-13yrs)
The Welsh Government is offering help with school costs – find out about the support your child may be eligible for, as well as additional funding available for their school.
Karen McFarlane, Senior Policy Officer​ -